Donald Trump RNC Convention 2016-True News

August 29, 2020|Daily News Update, US POLITICS It is over folks. In 67 days, America will decide whether we move forward as a nation or continue to allow Donald Trump to divide us. The Republican convention was a stark reminder of what the next four years will be under Trump. The apocalyptic picture painted by […]

Republican Convention – A One-Man Broadway Show:

Republican national Committee-True News

  August 24, 2020|Daily News Update, US POLITICS Republican Convention – A One-Man Broadway Show: The virtual Republican convention was first set for Charlotte, North Carolina,  but was canceled because of the coronavirus spread. Then it was set to take place in Jacksonville, Florida, and was pulled because of the number of infected people in […]

Iron Lady Kellyanne Conway is Leaving The White House:

George Conway and Kellyanne Conway-True News

  What is the likelihood that KELLYANNE CONWAY, counselor par excellence to Donald Trump, would simply leave the White House on the eve of the Republican convention? Not very likely unless Conway, a master pollster reader realizes that the ship is on its way to the bottom of the sea, and it makes no sense […]