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U.S. Politics – January 2, 2021

TrueNewsBlog – TNB

By: Nathaniel Ballantyne

It is ending just like it started except that Donald Trump may take 74 million people with him to a new political party calls the “Patriot Party.” Trump opened his campaign for president in 2016 by attacking the Republican Party and decried some of its most cherished values. The last four years of his presidency have not resembled that of a Republican administration, budget deficits have gone through the roof, and most Republicans at the exception of Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) are too afraid to take on Trump. 

As Trump getting ready to leave the White House, he is inflicting a lot of pain on many vulnerable Republican  politicians whom he sees as enemies for failing to support his debunked theory that the presidential elections he lost to Joe Biden had been rigged.  Just days before two run-off senate elections in Georgia that will determine control of the U.S. Senate Trump cranked up his attacks on the Senate providing an opening for Democrats to attack them. 

From Georgia to Congress, Republicans are attacking their own as they face an outgoing president refusing to concede. The Senate overruled his veto of the defense Bill, and refuse to vote on Donald Trump coveted $2,000 stimulus checks. Trump is blaming the very Senate Republican leaders he’s trying to protect in the closing days of Georgia’s runoffs.  

Trump is actively campaigning for the state’s two incumbent GOP senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, holding a Monday night rally to drive turnout to help save the Republican majority, Trump is continuing to run roughshod all over the party’s message for Tuesday’s must-win runoffs and, some Republicans worry, giving Democrats a perfect opening.  

Senate Republicans are blasting Sen. JOSH HAWLEY (R-Mo.), who plans to challenge Joe Biden’s election victory as the party hurtles toward its most consequential confrontation with Donald Trump of his entire presidency. 

“I THINK IT’S AWFUL. I am going to support my oath to the Constitution. That’s the loyalty test here,” said Sen. LISA MURKOWSKI (R-Alaska). Sen. MITT ROMNEY (R-Utah) called Hawley’s move “disappointing and destructive.”  Burgess adds: “Republicans either risk blowback or a primary challenge by approving Biden’s win amid Trump’s baseless claims of widespread fraud, or they can align themselves with Trump’s attempt to subvert the election results.”

TRUMP has been attacking Republicans for weeks. A day ago he attacked the No. 2 Senate Republican, JOHN THUNE of South Dakota. Upset about Thune’s opposition to the Electoral College gambit, the president is urging South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem to primary Thune in 2022. Thune seemed almost offended that Trump hadn’t singled him out before now. His reaction, per CNN’s Ted Barrett: “Yeah, well finally an attack tweet. What took him so long?”

Donald Trump will leave the White House on January 20, and there had been a lot of discussions among his friends and allies that a third party maybe the way to go. With 74 million votes, the Patriot Party will be a force to reckon with. If Trump moves forward with the formation of a third party he can practically reduce the Republican Party to a minority party. Wil he do it? Some people close to him thinks he will. 


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