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By: Anias Cintolla
TrueNewsblog – Very few people have had the opportunity to accomplish their dreams while at the same time contributing to improving the lives of their fellow man. LORD KINOMORSA DIVERS is a Haitian American born with a combination of rare talents, a leader with unmatched oratory skills, and an Artist/Singer with an unsurpassed ability to create music that moves generations.
LORD KINOMORSA DIVERS, affectionally known as King Kino by those blessed to call him a friend, started his music career early in 1982. For over two decades, he has used his music to preach a message of hope and peace. As a result, King Kino singlehandedly created a new genre of music that is recognized all over the world.

From North America to Africa, Europe to Asia, and the Caribbean, King Kino had toured the world, bringing music with delectable sound and rhythm with a message of peace and hope. Unlike other musicians of his generation, for King Kino, music was a way of addressing the various problems of our society through great sounds that moved people and reached their consciousness.

Music may have been where KING KINO started. For the next thirty years, through his humanitarian work worldwide, LORD KINOMORSA DIVERS aka King Kino, became a statesman and a leader of unmatched political skills.
Through his work, he has met with many influential world leaders as he advocated for and on behalf of the voiceless. As a Haitian American, Haiti is always a passion, and several Haitian governments have relied on him, albeit privately, for advice. His influence on international matters and his ability to open doors makes him a go-to ambassador of distinction and quality.

For many years he has worked with several American administrations to address significant geopolitical issues, whether in the Caribbean or elsewhere. For example, he has worked with the Clinton administration to address political problems in the Western Hemisphere. In 2010, he worked very closely with the Obama administration to help it understand and appreciate the importance of bringing help, peace, and political stability around the globe.
Given LORD KINOMORSA DIVERS’ international reach, it is not surprising that the Cherokee Nation has appointed him as an emissary at the level of an ambassador.

King Kino’s appointment is well deserved, and the State of Southern Cherokee Nation will have in him a skilled negotiator, a peace maker, and a man who understands and believes that through peace and love, we can achieve anything.

The Cherokee nation issued this statement on March 18, 2023, that reads as follows:
“The State of Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People does hereby authorize: Honorable Emissary Lord Kinomorsa Divers To Establish, Maintain, and Build Relationships in Order to Further Peace, Good Will, Economic Development, Social Needs, and Humanitarian as Approved by State of SCNRFP. The State of SCNRFP is Proud to Appoint Honorable Lord Kinomorsa Divers as an Official Emissary and Advisor of the State of SCNRFP and Approved by the Theocracy Government Under the Ancient Axe of Authority. Hon. Emissary Lord Kinomorsa Divers has, under oath, agreed to follow the State of SCNRFP Law, policies, procedures, and protocols. Appointed March 18 2023 On Behalf of the State of SCNRFP, H.E. Chief Gees-Due OO-Neh-Gah Usti Chief Prime Minister March 18, 2023.”
“State of (Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People) SCNRFP, International Independent Recognized Sovereign Neutral Nation and State, a Theocracy Government located within the State of SCNRFP Recognized Sovereign Jurisdictions and Sovereign Boundaries, Global Foreign Diplomatic Offices and Foreign Territories Under International Diplomacy Agreements, International Accords, and Foreign Capital.”
With this new appointment, The Honorable Emissary Lord Kinomorsa Divers has the authority to speak on behalf of the Cherokee nation and seek economic opportunity through investment. We wish him well in this new endeavor.