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By Nathaniel Ballantyne:

As someone who worked on many campaigns, I know all too well that the people who started with the candidate from the beginning are sometimes pushed out to make room for newcomers or Johnny come lately. Every presidential transition team suffers from the same disease- new converts- those who did not have the guts to stand with the candidate when he was trailing in the polls all of a sudden are now ardent supporters looking for jobs.  

 The drama that is unfolding inside the Biden transition team is very common. When Biden declared his candidacy, many Obama staffers did not support him initially because they did not believe that he would win. Biden won his first primary in South Carolina with the help of Congressman James E. Clyburn (Rep. SC), who should be getting all of the credits for getting Biden elected. Even after that win, many who are now elevating their friends to positions of power did not support Biden. They are Obama staffers who are now eclipsing veterans of the Biden campaign. 

TrueNews spoke to veterans of the Biden campaign. Many of them like Symone Sanders, who defended Biden when he was not doing well, feel a sense of dread as the Obama establishment people are cutting out those who got Biden elected. None of them dared to help Biden when he needed the help, but they are now elevating their friends over those who were with a Biden from the Philadelphia announcement speech to the Wilmington victory speech.

“‘The Obama staffers are now cutting out the people who got Biden elected,’ said a senior Biden official channeling the feelings of the old guard of the Biden campaign, who requested anonymity for the obvious reasons. ‘None of these people found the courage to help the VP when he was running, and now they are elevating their friends over the Biden people. It’s fucked-up.’ Another Biden adviser who worked on the campaign echoed the point. ‘It is a very valid criticism,’ the adviser said. ‘A lot of people are living in uncertainty.’”

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