DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS! MASK MANDATE IS OVER and Next Wednesday: Business to open 100%!!!

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March 2, 2021



LUBBOCK, Texas — Gov. Greg Abbott said that businesses can open to 100 percent capacity and that he is removing a statewide mask mandate Tuesday. He made the announcements in a press conference at a Lubbock restaurant.

The governor had previously said he had “exciting” news to share with Texans. 

Gov. Abbott said in the press conference that conditions had improved in the fight against COVID-19 to the point where he felt businesses could open to full capacity starting next Wednesday. Some businesses were previously only allowed to open to 75 percent capacity.

He also said Tuesday had the lowest positivity rate in Texas for COVID-19 cases in four months. Cases had been dropping in recent weeks since a spike after the winter holidays.

The governor said that while he is removing the statewide mask mandate, he encouraged businesses to create their own policies to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

See the Governor’s full post about issuing an executive order to lift the mask mandate and open Texas businesses to 100 percent.

Last week, Abbott made comments during a news conference that he was considering rolling back statewide coronavirus restrictions. 

“We’re working right now on evaluating when we’re going to be able to remove all statewide orders,” Governor Greg Abbott said Thursday. “And we will be making announcements on that pretty soon.”


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