Trump Test Positive-True News
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For months President Trump has downplayed the seriousness of the highly contagious virus, while more than two hundred thousand Americans died of the virus. Unless a cure is found, more Americans are projected to die as the number of infected people increases by the hour. 

Last week the President tested positive for Covid-19 and was hospitalized at Water Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC. More than sixteen White House officials have tested positive for the virus and undergoing treatment. The President was released from the hospital a few days after being admitted. Is the White House hiding something? 

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced earlier today that she has tested positive for the coronavirus, becoming the latest official to contract the virus as it spreads through the White House. In a statement posted on twitter, Ms. McEnany said, “After testing negative consistently, including every day since Thursday, I tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday morning while experiencing no symptoms.” 

Hope Hicks, a senior campaign advisor to President Trump, was the first aide to test positive for the virus. McEnany, who held a press briefing at the White House last week, said she did not know of Hicks’ diagnosis before holding a press conference during which she did not wear a mask. She said she would quarantine for at least 14 days and work remotely.

Meanwhile, according to White House officials, the President is being treated and making progress. On Sunday, the President made a surprise trip riding in the back of an SUV waiving to well-wishers and supporters. 

This ill-advised trip around the hospital raises questions about the severity of the President’s illness and the risk of infection to Secret Service Agents assigned to protect him. Several of those agents were seen riding with Trump wearing masks and other protective gear. 

The President has been criticized for his imprudence. Still, White House spokesman Judd Deere said Trump’s doctors approved the trip, and all “appropriate precautions were taken in the execution of this movement to protect the president and all those supporting it, including PPE.” The president outing came a few hours after his medical team at Walter Reed tried to clear up confusion about his medical condition.

It is not very clear what the President’s medical status is and how severe his symptoms are. On Saturday, his medical team made conflicting statements about his conditions. The next day they tried to clear up the confusion. What is clear is that on Saturday, his oxygen level dropped, and the doctor treated him with dexamethasone, a steroid. On Monday, his doctors cleared him for release from the hospital. Trump arrived at the White House upbeat and ready to resume his campaign. The big question is whether Trump is endangering the lives of those in charge of his protection?


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