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WorldNews- Nigeria

TrueNewsblog- TNB


By: Dr. Adetokunbo Pearse, Public Affairs Analyst .

Dr. Osagie Ehanire, Nigeria’s Health Minister, and Dr. Faisal Shuaib, Executive Director , National Primary Health Care Development Agency are both determined to purchase Covid – 19 vaccines at the incredible cost of 400 billion naira ,(about one billion US Dollars), even though philanthropist Bill Gates reminds us that the vaccines are accessible to developing countries free of charge. 

Mr. Gates appears more concerned about the health of Nigerians than the country’s health care officials, particularly when he also suggests that the 400 billion naira earmarked for the vaccines would be best spent on revamping the country’s ailing Health Care system. It is common knowledge that Nigerians dread getting seriously ill because they  know that a trip to the hospital could  easily land one in the mogue. 

Only young, inexperienced doctors remain in the Public Health System. And the few capable and caring health care providers are overwhelmed by the broken system ; too many patients,  unaffordable drugs,  out dated medical equipment, shortage of materials such as blood plasma and oxygen. 

Given the deplorable health care situation, and weakness of the country’s economy (minimum monthly wage here is less than 100 US dollars) , it  is  difficult to understand why the Health Minister and the Director of National Primary Health Care would make such a reckless and irational choice. 

A recent report that Northern Governors are eager to test out the vaccines however gives us an indication. It appears that the vaccines are meant for  the high and mighty in Nigeria. 

The government is unconcerned that the country’s infant mortality rate is on the increase,or that hundreds of women die every day giving birth,or that routinely, thousands die because they can’t afford to pay for prescribed medication. 

This COVID-19 pandemic Scandal is another affirmation that  Muhammadu Buhari’s is truly an Apocalyptic Administration.


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