July 6, 2021 TrueNewsReport By: Steven Johnson TrueNewsBlog – The Pentagon said Tuesday it canceled a disputed cloud-computing contract with
July 6, 2021 TrueNewsReport By: Steven Johnson TrueNewsBlog – The Pentagon said Tuesday it canceled a disputed cloud-computing contract with
June 4, 2021 TRUENEWSREPORT FROM HARVARD UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE Should convicted felons be allowed to serve on juries, sitting in judgment
June 4, 2021 TrueNewsReport By: Steve Johnson TRUENEWSBLOG- China’s communist regime would rather we talk about anything else today —
June 5, 2021 TRUENEWSREPORT BY: NATHANIEL BALLANTYNE TRUENEWSBLOG – The Department of Homeland Security has officially terminated the Migrant Protection
May 26, 2021 TrueNewsReport BY: Nathaniel Ballantyne TrueNewsBlog – Amazon.com Inc said on Wednesday it is buying MGM, the fabled U.S.
May 15, 2021 TRUENEWSREPORT BY: MANNY EJR TRUENEWSBLOG – Bank of America Corp agreed to pay $75 million to settle
May 11, 2021 TRUENEWSREPORT By: NATHANIEL BALLANTYNE TRUENEWSBLOG – A federal judge dismissed the National Rifle Association’s bankruptcy case on
Senator Kevin McCarthy
BIDEN WANTS BIG COMPANIES TO PAY FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE – SHOULD THEY? Should big companies be taxed extra in order
May 4, 2021 TRUENEWSREPORT By: Manny EJR TRUENEWSBLOG- Already battered by long shifts and high infection rates, essential workers struggling
April 30, 2021 TRUENEWSREPORT TRUENEWSBLOG – Disneyland reopened on Friday and cruise lines welcomed the news that they could be
April 20, 2021 TRUENEWSREPORT By: NATHANIEL BALLANTYNE TRUENEWSBLOG – Four drugmakers helped cause the deadly U.S. opioid epidemic by deceptively