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He just shoved his tongue down my throat and I was pushing him off. And then that’s when his grip became tighter and his hands were very gropey and all over my butt, my breasts, my back, everything. »
“I was in his grip, and I couldn’t get out of it,” she said, adding: “I don’t know what you call that when you’re sticking your tongue just down someone’s throat. But I pushed it out with my teeth. I was pushing it. And I think I might have hurt his tongue.”
She alleged she told Trump “no, please stop” but “he didn’t care”. “It doesn’t matter who you are,” she said. “Any time anyone says no, no means no. And that just didn’t work out for me. It wasn’t enough.”
“I just kind of was in shock,” she added. “I felt violated, obviously. But I still wasn’t processing it and just was trying to go back to talking to everyone and having a good time because, I don’t know, I felt pressured to be that way.”
“When you invade someone’s space, it doesn’t matter if you were raped, it’s sexual assault, and it’s not OK,” she said. “You don’t touch someone unless they want to be touched. And I did nothing to encourage him to touch me.”

Amy Dorris now 48 and a mother of two daughters told the Guardian in an exclusive interview that when she was just 24 years old when Donald Trump assaulted her while attending an event at the US open in Flushing New York. The incident that happened more than two decades ago left her « sick » and « violated » she said.
According to her, Trump approached her outside the bathroom of his VIP box at the tennis tournament in New York on September 5, 1997 grabbed her and shoved his tongue down her throat while groping her ass, breast and back. In 2016, several women made similar accusations against Donald Trump, then Republican candidate for president. But Dorris decided against coming forward, in part because she thought that doing so might harm her family.
Dorris said she was also frustrated to hear Trump’s many other accusers being accused themselves of lying. “I’m sick of him getting away with this,” she said. “I’m tired of being quiet. It’s kind of cathartic. I just want to get this out. And I want people to know that this is the man, this is our president. This is the kind of thing he does and it’s unacceptable.”
Dorris, who lives in Florida, provided the Guardian with evidence to support her account of her encounters with Trump, including her ticket to the US Open and six photos showing her with the real estate magnate over several days in New York. Trump was 51 at the time and married to his second wife, Marla Maples.
Through his lawyers, Trump denied in the strongest possible terms ever having harassed, abused or behaved improperly toward Dorris. His lawyers said it seemed incredible that Dorris would voluntarily choose to be in the vicinity of Trump, at the US Open in the days following the alleged assault. They said Dorris had never raised the allegations with a law enforcement agency or to Trump, and said the timing of the claims so close to the November presidential election suggested they might be politically motivated.